You can enter analysis mode from the homepage or from several places within the play area.
To enter analysis mode:
1. Go to the Chess Club website:
2. Click on the "Log In" button in upper right.
3. Log In with your username OR email & your password, OR your single sign on.
4. On the homepage, Click the "Analysis" link in the menu at the left. This will take you directly to analysis mode.
5. If you're already in the play area, click "Menu" at the top, then click the "Analysis" button in the main menu.
6. You can also enter analysis mode from the end game dialog after you've completed a game.
In analysis mode, you can analyze your games, upload & download pgn or set up your own board.
To analyze your games:
1. Click the "Games" tab.
2. Browse your games list then click on the game you'd like to analyze.
Click the"Enable Engine" toggle to turn the engine on or off.
Click the forward and back arrows to step through the moves.
Click the different controls at bottom to flip the board, start new analysis, reset variations, play against the computer from a specific position or download pgn.
To upload pgn:
1. Click the "Upload pgn" control button then click the "Upload pgn file" button.
2. Browse your computer for the pgn file you would like to use, then click "Open."
Click the "Upload pgn" control button, then copy & paste the pgn into the "Paste pgn Here" field, then click "Use Pasted pgn."
Use the same controls as before when analyzing your games.
Click the "Enable Engine" toggle to turn the engine on or off.
Click the forward and back arrows to step through the moves.
Click the different controls at bottom to flip the board, start new analysis, reset variations, play against the computer from a specific position or download pgn.
To set up a board:
1. Click the "Setup" tab.
Play the moves of the game to get to a specific position.
Click the Trash Can icon at the top to clear the entire board. Then click and drop pieces to set up your position. (Click the X at the top then click on individual pieces to remove them from the board. Click X again to exit delete mode.)
Click the "Analyze" button.
Click the "Enable Engine" toggle to turn the engine on or off.
Click the different controls at bottom to flip the board, start new analysis, reset variations, play against the computer from a specific position or download pgn.